Stormwater / Drainage

/Stormwater / Drainage
Stormwater / Drainage2021-11-17T21:04:19+00:00

Amani offers professional services in design of storm drainage and retention facilities, drainage master planning, erosion protection, hydraulic analysis and modeling, parking lot and canal and channel design, and construction inspection. Amani professionals use most advanced tools for watershed/drainage analysis and create electronic solutions and databases for flood-prone areas, a FEMA preferred design method.

Our professionals use HEC-1, HEC-2, HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS, develop drainage area maps, outfall descriptions and evaluate recommendations for mitigation of impacts for both land development and roadway improvement projects.


  • HEC-1 and HEC-2
  • HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS Analysis for Drainage Ditches / Streams
  • Flood Plain Delineation and Establish Base Flood Elevation
  • Storm Sewer Design
  • Drainage Area Delineation and Analysis
  • Hydrology and Hydraulic Study / Report
  • Detention Analysis and Design
  • Construction Observation
  • Impact Analysis
  • Floodplain Mitigation Plan